Ghent European Youth Capital
In 2024, Ghent will be ‘European Youth Capital’. During this year, young people will take over Ghent.
“We think (as a city) the voice of young people is important. And therefore see them as full partners to help build, think and dream about the city of the future. EYC is a great opportunity to take this a bit further. Throughout the year, we are experimenting how far we can let young people have a say in that future.
The young people make the programme themselves: through open calls, we let them fill in a large part of the programme themselves. To fill it in, we support them, guide them along the way, share know-how, etc. We want to make the voice of young people louder: we are developing a storytelling platform where young people can tell their stories.
Young people are at the helm: the board of directors (20 out of 24) consists entirely of young people. These decide which direction the project will take, how the budgets will be distributed, … . Through international exchanges, we want to connect local communities (young people and organisations) with European young people and organisations. In this way, we also want to get to know other perspectives.
So the whole year is dedicated to young people. Festivals, workshops, debates, concerts, conferences, … . Ghent will be the hotspot and hangout for young people from all over Flanders and Europe in 2024.”