→ Reading Group → 17:30 Thursday 13.03.25 Syllabus Reading Group #25: How to orient ourselves in an exhausted world? → Reading Group → 17:30
→ Live gathering → 19:30 Friday 14.03.25 Friday Evenings: Dani Bershan: Holes & Gut Matters → Live gathering → 19:30
→ Symposium → 10:00 15 — 16.03.25 Gut Matters: Symposium & Performance → Symposium → 10:00
→ Documentary → 20:00 Wednesday 19.03.25 Openbare Werken 2025: Mark Požlep: Everything Under → Documentary → 20:00
→ Reflection → 19:30 Friday 21.03.25 Friday Evenings: Elioa Steffen: In Pursuit of Otherwise Possibilities (IPOP). Queer Artistic Development as Resistance → Reflection → 19:30
→ Talk → 19:30 Friday 28.03.25 Friday Evenings: KAOS talk: Stephan Blumenschein & Jitse Huysmans → Talk → 19:30
→ Talk, Workshop → 19:30 Friday 11.04.25 Friday Evenings: Fiona Hallinan & Ellen Rowley: Out of Love, Out of Use and Out of Time → Talk, Workshop → 19:30
→ Talk, performance → 20:00 Friday 18.04.25 Friday Evenings: Isabelle Andriessen: Vermin Rites → Talk, performance → 20:00
→ 019 → Book fair → 11:00 03 — 04.05.25 019: Ghent Art Book Fair → 019 → Book fair → 11:00
→ Tot in de Stad! → City festival → 09:30 09 — 18.05.25 Tot in de Stad!: Openbare Werken → Tot in de Stad! → City festival → 09:30
→ Tot in de Stad! → City festival → 10:00 Friday 09.05.25 Tot in de Stad!: Openbare Werken: network day → Tot in de Stad! → City festival → 10:00
→ Reading Group → 17:30 Thursday 13.03.25 Syllabus Reading Group #25: How to orient ourselves in an exhausted world? → Reading Group → 17:30
→ Book launch → 19:30 Friday 07.03.25 Friday Evenings: PhD in 1 Night: The Political Potential of Utopia → Book launch → 19:30