This Live Conversation is organised by Nadine in the context of working sessions on the Eavatea mapping tool. The conversation will be moderated by Loes Jacobs (nadine) and Maximiliaan Royakkers (Jubilee).
Natural Contract Lab – Maria Lucia Cruz Correia
Natural Contract Lab is a transdisciplinary artistic practice that aims at creating an active and sustained dialogue with bodies of water under deep ecological transformation. The artistic interventions are hybrid and unfold differently in respect to each river as dialogue, a collaboration with, and a gesture of care. With the aim to fabulate new forms of justice, Natural Contract Lab has co-created an artistic Protocol of Reciprocal Care weaving the practices of restorative justice, rights of rivers, environmental grief, sensory ecoscenography and water ancestry. NCL is a body of care that invites others for moments of walking-with the river, restorative justice water circles, participatory gestures of care, river Agora’s, water grief circles, river guardians Schools and other actions that emerge in collaboration with the fish, people, plants and other riverene beings.
Towards legal recognition of the Sambre River: Vincent Meessen / Olivier Pestiaux
Climate disruption, collapse of biodiversity, animal abuse, pollution… More and more voices are being raised to demand recognition of the rights of Nature, to better protect living things – forests, rivers and glaciers – and allow them to defend themselves in court. Why should legal personality be reserved only for humans and businesses? Without waiting for the revolution that such recognition requires, judges in many countries are not hesitating to invoke the urgency of changing the paradigm, of enacting a natural contract.